Information for international students


If you want to train and/or compete for NTNUI Orienteering you need to have a membership in NTNUI, which you can buy from SiT here, and then register here. To easily register and unregister for trainings and events you can sign up at our webpage here.

Meeting place for trainings

Usually, all of our meeting places are at Moholt studentby. The trainings usually start from the training center (called ‘TPM’) or the parking lot at Bunnpris (called ‘Lille-P’). The meeting places are given in the training information.

If we need to drive to the training place, usually for orienteering training, each passenger pays the driver 40 kr. There will also be a ‘kjørekabal’ on the registration page where you write your name to get a seat in the cars.


A usual week of training looks like this:

Monday: Either running + strength at Dragvoll or a longer running trip in Estenstadmarka. Start 18:00 from TPM (the training center at Moholt).
Tuesday: Intervals. Usually start at 18:00.
Wednesday: Strength at Gløshaugen training centre in the morning (8:05). Orienteering in the evening
Thursday: Football at Dragvoll 19:00. Someone usually plans joint running from TPM in slack.
Weekend: Either competition, longer running trips or orienteering training

Only the orienteering trainings need registration on our webpage in order for us to print the right amount of maps.
You don’t need to participate on every training, it’s okay to join us once a month or once a week as well.

Introduction event

In September, we are arranging an introduction event called ‘Bli-kjent-kveld’. It will be held close to Moholt student village. More information and registration will come here.

Information and communication

The most important communication platform is Slack. However, most of the communication there are in Norwegian. Slack is an app for mobile and PC where the communication is split into different channels, like #bull (everything can be sent here), #general (important information about ex. events), #nattrev (night orienteering) and #treningssnakk (info about trainings). You sign up for a channel by clicking on the “+”-button. You can also send personal messages in Slack. We do also use mailing lists. At the general list information about the week’s training and registration for events will be sent.

Emit cards

We do have some extra Emit cards in the club, contact Jakob Hjelseth if you want to borrow one.


All the orienteering competitions in Norway are on Eventor. To register for a competition you need to create an account and choose NTNUI as your club (if you have done the steps under ‘Membership’). NTNUI is paying the start fee for the runners (but not at our own competitions, like Tour de Trondheim and Hu&Hei). Registration for accommodation and traveling for competitions outside the Trondheim area will be on our webpage.

If you have any further questions, don´t hesitate to contact me:

Kaja Samuelsen Skiri

Phone; +47 48178977
